Friday, July 17, 2009

It's FRIDAY!!!

Hey look, everyone - it's Hitty Jean!!
Tag-along Kitty can't leave poor L'Orange alone, and behind Tag-along trails Hitty Rose who has known L'Orange long enough to worry slightly that the two might tangle, so she's keeping a watchful eye on them.
There was good news for Colleen today - her mom wrote that her Swaps are on the way. She's smiling again.

Small change in plans. We were planning a Meet & Greet for tonight, but we realized that one camper, possibly two, were delayed. One is now on her way here and may arrive tomorrow, so we want to postpone the Meet & Greet to see if she can possibly attend. Hurry, Lowla. We want you here. Our other missing camper has some family obligations to attend to, and she may decide that family is of greater importance, and we completely understand.
But whatever happens, we definitely have at least 11 campers for our first season, and we are beside ourselves with happiness, and not a little trepidation. So much remains to be done. But it will be done, and then it will all fall into place, just as it did at Big Girl's camp where Happy spent many summers as a Director. The Staff agonizes prior to the start, and then it's a breeze (sort of). The Staff often asks themselves "why" they do this thing when it takes so much mental and physical work. But it all becomes clear when the same whining campers who said no way did they want to be stuck in a hot tent with a bunch of strangers for a week have, on the final day, transformed into campers who, after saying tearful goodbyes to their new friends and counselors, rush with smiling faces to tell their parents about their fun week and beg to return next year.

1 comment:

  1. What fun to see that Hitty Jean has made it to camp safely!!
    I am in love with L'Orange!!!
