Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hooray - it's rubber rafting day at the Purple Lagoon!


Hitty G made sure they were all safe in the raft, which could not tip over if it tried,

and Doc waited nearby just in case she was needed. Of course, she was not.

Wow, that water is rough, says Lisa, tipping over again.

This is the life!!

What's that in the bushes?

Aw, isn't he cute?

Some campers ran ahead

They found a lovely little bunch of flowers. They were tiny and yellow. Hitty G explained that they were the flowers that bloom before the plant from which they come grew a wild strawberry. Mmmm, we love strawberries. Hey, there's one right there. Sadly, wild strawberries are very pretty but don't taste particularly good or even much like strawberries. Viewers, if you click on the pictures, they will enlarge for you and you may just see the strawberry that they found.

However, even if the strawberries are not especially good to eat, finding the flowers gave them a good idea for another craft project.

While heading back to camp ...

After the rafting fun, it was time to head back to camp. Just as they were walking away from the Purple Lagoon, someone screamed. At first they didn't see what caused the commotion. When they finally did, Riley fainted and Lisa fell back into the bushes. Fortunately, Doc was there to tend to Riley, who recovered quite rapidly from her initial fright, and Hattie helped Lisa back up. Mary Moonwalker told them not to be afraid but to be quiet and to hold still. If they did, the snake would leave because it was more afraid of them than they were of it. She was right.

Don't worry, Moms - at no time was there any real danger. Mary Moonwalker is an expert, and she whispered the snake away. No Hittys were harmed during the taking of this picture!

Our Camp Visitor

Everyone knows that the real Abe Lincoln is long gone, but all Hittys know that their ancestor Hitty was alive at the same time as Mr. Lincoln, and today the camp had invited a Lincoln impersonator to visit with them. He told them "stories" about his day. It was a history lesson, but much more entertaining. And Mr. Lincoln sure was tall, just like the real Abe.

Tiny Baby B and Berdie were the first to have their pictures made with him.

And everyone wanted to be in the picture

It's not every day that you get to met ol' Abe.

Both Hittymine and Alida look a wee bit nervous. No smiles from either, but

at least they have this picture to remember this event.

Despite the fuzzy picture, Colleen and Hatty look happy.

Lisa and Rose have their turn with Mr. Lincoln.

Jean and Callie cozy up for their turn with the former President.

Riley and Lowla are glad to have their turn, even if they were last.

Lions and tigers and ... oh my!