Monday, July 20, 2009

What to do on a rainy day

They took the big pink Camp 'Wanna Do bus over to the Pavilion to spend the day working on some indoor activities. First up were scrapbooks. They had to make decisions about decorating the covers and kept changing their minds.

They got a good start on them, but will have to finish them later. There were other things to do in the Pavilion today.

Hooray - it's our last camper!

The girls were having so much fun they didn't even notice.

Hitty G drove the new camper back to Miss Prim at the Capital Convention Center where she was fitted for her uniform. Miss Prim said that, because the two units were even in number, she could choose which color sash she wanted. She chose pink to match her pretty unders.

Introducing Holly Kerfoot's Hitty Lowla from NC. They were so excited to have her that the Hitty G forgot to give Lowla her ID badge.

It's Nature Lesson Day

Mary Moonwalker is a nature expert and guest of the camp. She explains the importance of holding still and being very quiet to observe animals in their natural habitat. She shows the girls some different types of animals they might find in the woods.

She chats with campers.

There were eager questions from the girls.

Sweet dreams, campers

I think I hear someone walking out there.

What do you think it is?

Doc does a bed check.

Goodnight, campers.