Wednesday, July 22, 2009

More crafty fun

Today, the campers made traditional sit-upons. Hitty G said
they would need them for the cookout.
Hattie and Hitty Jean invited Berdie to sit with them
and offered to help her make a sit-upon of her own.

That's Colleen, already using her sit-upon, while
Riley and Rose help little Baby B with her project.

Lisa is also using her sit-upon.

The girls are pleased at how well their sit-upons turned out, and they managed to create a menu for their cookout at the same time they worked.

Trip to Cookout Mountain

Even though they rode most of the way to Cookout Mountain in the

pink Camp Wanna Do bus, they still had to hike in part of the way.

Hitty G supervised the cooking. She didn't want any campers getting hurt.

Come and get it!

What did they find on the mountain?

Hey, it's Baby B with a squirrel. Here, squirrel - have a hot dog.

More Cookout Mountain

That squirrel really knows his way around a cookout!

Shoo - out of the picnic basket.

Look, he's right beside you, Colleen.

Lisa says she's full. She contemplates the view from the top!

The last of Cookout Mountain

Leaving Cookout mountain

As the pink bus carries the tired but happy and full campers back to camp from Cookout Mountain, Lowla spots the squirrel and his new feathered companion on clean-up duty.

Jr. Counselor, Berdie

We've noticed that Berdie, our Jr. Counselor, has seemed a bit sad. She has wistfully watched the campers enjoying activities in which she can only supervise and assist, but not truly participate. She and Hitty G had a private chat about this yesterday, but decided to give it one more day to see how things went.

The campers may have noticed that today, Berdie spent more time with them, actually enjoying herself more than other days. Tonight at the Pavilion, it's revealed to them that Berdie will be a camper for the rest of the session. Hitty G gave her an official name tag and said she'd earned some fun with the rest of the campers. Berdie is thrilled.

Wearing her new color sash, she happily joins her sister, Rose, in the Blue unit for the rest of the week. Now for some fun!! The others applaud her efforts this week.
Being a counselor, even a Jr. Counselor, is hard work.